Arena laser tag news

One of the main this year events applicable to arena laser tag is the release of a new version of CYBERTAG 2.0 Black Edition equipment from LASERWAR company.

The new arena laser tag set now has a number of additional functions, the main task of which is to make the gameplay even more bright and memorable. New laser target designator, that helps aiming, will give players the opportunity to feel them like superheroes saving the world, and powerful sound effects with bright vests and blasters illumination will give the players unforgettable emotions.


Every client that purchases CYBERTAG equipment receives a User’ Manual together with the set. This manual contains the most comprehensive information about the operation of all arena elements as well as instructions on how to place them, connect and set up before the start of a game.

Yet today we are going to tell you what to do if during the operation of the CYBERTAG program you come across error dialog boxes popping up. Alas, in spite of the fact that the configurator has clear and simple interface, outstanding quality software and its operation is generally stable, such instances occur at times.


What determines the success of a company producing equipment for indoor laser tag? Is it the reliability of play sets? The safety of vests and blasters? There are a lot of characteristics and no doubt all of them are important. Yet all of them, then combined, form a single global conception. We are talking about the number of arenas, for this is the only measurable indicator of success. Such a concept comprises the optimum price/quality ratio, the reliability of play sets, the efficient technical support.